What is Greasing the Groove?
Train smarter, not harder. Greasing the Groove is like practicing a skill - instead of exhausting workouts, you do quick sets throughout the day at 40-50% of your max effort. Created by strength expert Pavel Tsatsouline, this method turns strength into a daily practice that delivers remarkable results.
Neural Adaptation
Builds strength through neural pathways optimization rather than muscle exhaustion
Consistent Progress
Provides steady gains by practicing frequently throughout the day
Time Efficient
No need for long workout sessions - train in short, frequent bursts
App Features
Everything you need to master the Grease the Groove technique and achieve your strength goals
Personalized Progress Plan
Start your journey with a tailored plan based on your current abilities and goals. Our smart algorithm creates a progressive roadmap that adapts to your performance, ensuring steady progress without overwhelming you.
Level Up Your Strength
Transform your training into an engaging journey with our XP-based progression system. Watch yourself level up as you complete sets, unlock new achievements, and see your strength grow in real-time.
Achievement System
Stay motivated with our comprehensive achievement system. Unlock badges and rewards as you hit milestones, maintain streaks, and master new strength levels. Every rep brings you closer to your next achievement.
Smart Daily Sets
Experience the power of neural adaptation with our intelligently distributed daily sets. The app breaks down your training into perfect-form mini-sessions throughout the day, optimizing your strength gains without fatigue.
Download Grease the Groove App
Master pull-ups, push-ups, and other bodyweight exercises with perfectly timed daily sets